
1 ea Striper, six-pound

1/2 c Shallots, chopped

1/2 c Mushrooms, chopped

1 ea Lemon

1 c Tomatoes, chopped, peeled

1 t Chives, chopped

1 t Parsley, chopped

1 T Butter

2 c Wine, dry white

2 ea Egg yolks

1 c Cream sauce

Fillet and skin the bass. Cook it in wine in a hot oven in the juice of a lemon and the Tbsp of butter for 15 minutes. Remove the fillets; reduce the cooking liquid by boiling, then add the chopped tomatoes and cook the works until done. Finally, add 1 C cream sauce, chopped parsley, chopped chives, and the yolks of two eggs. Cook, stirring until thick and creamy. Pour over the bass fillets and serve. Recipe date: 11/29/87

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