
4 Salmon steaks 1/3-1/2 lb.ea.

French dressing * 2 tb Melted butter or canola oil

Salt and pepper Juice of one lemon Parsley, chopped Bernaise sauce ——————————FRENCH DRESSING—————————— 2 tb White wine vinegar

Salt Black pepper, freshly ground 8 tb Olive and /or peanut oil

Brush salmon with the French dressing; let stand one hour. Put into the broiler; brush with butter. Broil 12 to 15 minutes; cook on both sides. Put on hot platter; season to taste with salt, pepper, lemon juice; sprinkle with chopped parsley. Serve with Bernaise sauce. * FRENCH DRESSING Mix vinegar with salt and pepper to taste. Add oil; beat with a fork until mixture thickens. For a slightly thicker dressing, add an ice cube; stir one to two minutes longer; remove ice.

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