
1 c Broccoli; cut in pieces

2 tb Onions; chopped

2 Garlic cloves; minced

1 c Sliced mushrooms

2 c [stock]

Salt; to taste White or black pepper; to ta 1/2 lb Spiral pasta; tricolor

Cooked according to directio 12 oz Evaporated skim milk

Put twists on to boil and saute all the first 4 ingredients in the broth(add a little broth at a time) until tender about ten minutes. Cover a few minutes at the end of cooking. Put can of skim milk in a blender with the 2 T of flour, slowly add that to the cooked vegetables and broth, stirring constantly until thickened. Pour over the twists. Nutrition (per serving): 360 calories Total Fat 2 g (6% of calories) : Modified by SS – original recipe called for ch***en. D/L from Prodigy 12-14-94. Recipe collection of Sue Smith. 1.80?

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