
3/4 lb Fresh chopped broccoli

3/4 lb Fresh chopped cauliflower

1/3 c Chopped onion

1 1/2 c Bouillon

1/4 ts Ground mace

3 c Skim milk

1 tb Cornstarch

1/2 ts Salt

1/8 ts Pepper

1/3 c Shredded Swiss cheese

Cook broccoli, cauliflower, and onion in the bouillon until tender. Pour half the vegetables, along with half the bouillon, into a blender and blend until smooth. Remove, and blend the remaining vegetable mixture, along with the mace. Return all of blended mixture to pan. Blend 1/2 c of milk (1/6 total) with cornstarch and add to vegetables. Add remaining milk, salt, and pepper, and cook until thick and hot, stirring occasionally. Blend in cheese and stir until melted. (71 calories per serv) Makes 8 servings

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