
2 tb Olive Oil

2 Onions

2 Celery Sticks

2 Garlic cloves

125 g Bulgar Wheat

250 g Brazil Nuts

300 ml Vegetable stock

2 tb Tomato puree

2 tb Parsley (chopped)

2 ts Dried mixed herbs

1 Egg (beaten

In a food processor chop finely the onion, garlic and celery. Seperatly chop nuts and set aside. Heat oil and add the onion, garlic and celery – saute until soft. Add the nuts and Bulgar wheat and saute for a couple of minutes until golden brown. Add the stock and simmer until the liquid is absorbed. Stir in tomato puree, parsley, herbs and the egg. Season with salt and pepper and leave until cool enough to handle. Shape into ‘burgers’ and either cook in oven at 400F/200C/Gas 6 for 15 to 20 minutes until heated through or cook in frying pan. Place in burger buns

with your favorite garnishes – I like cooked onion rings, lettuce, cheese and fresh tomato. If you have problems with the burgers falling apart when cooking try adding some grated cheese before shaping – this helps. An alternate serving suggestion is like a falafal. Take tablespoon sized amounts of mixture and fry in some oil until gold to dark brown. Put inside lightly warmed Pita bread with some salad and Chilli sauce. You can substitute your favorite nuts for the Brazils.

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