
4 lb loin of pork

salt and pepper 1/4 tsp ground allspice

4 c apple cider

1 lg (2 1/2lb) turnip (rutabaga), pared, quartered — sliced

1/3″ thic

k 5 med potatoes — (about 3 lbs)

paprika — optional

1. Preheat oven to 350F. 2. Wipe pork with damp paper towels. Mix 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper and the a llspice; rub into surface of pork. Place pork, fat side up, in lg roasting pan with cover. Roast, uncovered, 1 hr. 3. Pour apple cider into bottom of pan. Add rutabaga slices. Roast, covered, 1 hr.

4. Meanwhile, pare and quarter potatoes. 5. Remove roasting pan from oven. Add potatoes to pan drippings around roast. Baste vegetables with drippings; then sprinkle with 1 tsp salt and 1/5 tsp pe pper. 6. Roast, covered, 1 hr longer, or until turnip and potatoes are tender. If d esired, sprinkle potatoes with paprika. 7. Remove roast and vegetables to heated platter; keep warm. 8. Skim off excess fat from drippings. Over direct heat, bring remaining drip pings to boiling; boil, uncovered, 15 min. Spoon over pork and vegetables.

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