
4 c Sifted flour

1 ts Baking powder

4 ts Ground nutmeg

1 c Butter or margarine

2 c Sugar

6 Eggs

4 oz Bourbon, about

4 c Coarsely chopped pecans

1 lb Dark raisins

1/2 lb Candied cherries

– sliced or chopped Powdered sugar Sift flour with baking powder and nutmeg. Cream butter well, then gradually add sugar and continue to cream until fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Add sifted dry ingredients alternately with bourbon. Stir in nuts, raisins and cherries. Turn batter into well-greased 10-inch tube pan lined on bottom with waxed paper. Bake at 300F 2 hours, or until cake tester inserted near center comes out clean. If top of cake begins to brown before it is done, cover loosely with foil. Remove cake from oven and let stand 10 to 15 minutes, then turn out onto rack to cool completely. When cool, sprinkle with additional bourbon and wrap. Use more bourbon if fragrant cake is desired. Let cake mellow 1 week or longer for best flavor. Sift powdered sugar over top before slicing.

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