
3 lb Beef brisket

3 ts Salt

1 ea Celery stalk, with leaves

1 ea Carrot

1 ea Onion, small

1 ea Bay leaf, small

3 ea Plum tomatoes

5 ea Peppercorns

1 ea Beef bone

~———————————————————————— Beef brisket boiled with seasoning vegetables gives you the extra benefit of the broth to use as needed. This broth freezes very well. ~————————————————————————– Chop all vegetables quite coarsely. Put beef and vegetables in a large pot ( a stock pot is ideal) with cold water to cover. Bring to a boil slowly over medium-low heat. As the water boils, remove the froth that forms as much as possible. Lower heat to simmer, cover the pot, and cook for 3 hours. The meat will be very tender and the broth a light brown. Remove meat from the pot and use in any recipe that calls for boiled beef. Strain broth and use immediately or freeze for future use.

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