
2 tb Salad or peanut oil

2 lg Slices fatback

1 1/2 c Carrots; diced

2 lb Rump roast, cut into 1/4-in

-slices 2 md Onions

1 Cl Garlic; minced fine

2 Shallots; finely chopped

1/2 lb Mushrooms; chopped

1/2 Bottle Burgundy wine

1/3 c Cognac

Salt; to taste Freshly ground black pepper -to taste Recipe by: The New York Times Cookbook 1. Pour the oil into the bottom of a two-quart flameproof casserole

and add one slice of the fatback. 2. Add the diced carrots and cover them with a single layer of

one-third of the sliced beef. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. 3. Sprinkle the meat with half the onions, garlic, shallots and

mushrooms. 4. Cover with a layer of half the remaining beef and sprinkle with

more salt and pepper. 5. Add the remaining onions, garlic, shallots and mushrooms and cover

with a final layer of the remaining beef. Top with the second slice of fatback. 6. Pour the burgundy and cognac over all.

7. Season with additional salt and pepper.

8. Place the casserole over high heat and, when it begins to simmer,

cover and lower the heat. Cook 3 1/2 hours. While the casserole is cooking the liquid should barely bubble.

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