
1 c blue cornmeal

2 ts baking powder

1 ts salt

1 ts solid vegetable shortening

1/3 1/2 cup milk

Mix the blue cornmeal, baking powder and salt thoroughly in a bowl. Add the shortening and work the ingredients together with a pastry cutter or fork until the mixture resembles coarse meal. Add enough milk to make a batter of medium consistency, not too thick or too thin. Drop batter by teaspoonfuls on top of stew or chil in a pot. Cover the pot tightly and steam the dumplings for 15 minutes. DON’T PEEK!! The stew or chile should be kept simmering over medium-low heat during this process. After 15 minutes, remove lid and serve the stew or chili with the dumplings.

Contributor: Chile Pepper Magazine, MM format by Roy Olsen —–

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