
———————————–CRUST———————————– 21 Shortbread cookies (5 oz)

2 T Packed brown sugar

3 T Butter or margarine, melted

——————————CHOCOLATE LAYER—————————— 1/2 c Heavy (whipping) cream

1 c Semisweet chocolate chips

————————-STRAWBERRY GLAZE & FILLING————————- 1 c Granulated sugar

3 T Cornstarch

1/2 c Water

1/4 c Stawberry jam

2 T Lemon juice

2 pt Strawberries, hulled (24 oz)

CRUST: Lightly grease 9-inch pie plate. Process cookies and brown sugar in a food processor until finely crushed and blended. Add butter and pulse just until crumbs are moistened. Press evenly and firmly over bottom and sides of pie plate. Place in freezer to firm up crust. CHOCOLATE LAYER: Heat heavy cream in a small saucepan (or microwave) just until steaming hot. Remove from heat and add chocolate chips. Let stand 1 to 2 minutes, then stir until chocolate melts and mixture is thick and

well blended. Spread evenly over bottom of pie crust. Refrigerate (or freeze) to firm up chocolate. GLAZE AND FILLING: Mix sugar and cornstarch in a medium saucepan. Stir in water, jam and lemon juice. Add 1 cup berries (save prettiest ones for top of pie) and mash in the saucepan with a potato masher. Bring to a gentle boil over medium heat, whisking constantly. Boil 6 to 7 minutes, whisking occasionly, until mixture is thick and syrupy. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Meanwhile drain remaining berries, hulled side down, on paper towels. Pat dry. Pour about 1/3 of the glaze over the chocolate layer. Spread with a pastry brush to cover. Top with strawberries, points up. Pour remaining glaze over berries, using a brush to coat each berry. Refrigerate at least 1 hour to set glaze. Reprinted from Woman’s Day magazine : June 4, 1996 issue. Per serving: 449 cal, 3 g pro, 69 g carb, 20 g fat —–

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