
1 lb Flour

6 oz Beef suet finely minced

1 oz Flour (extra)

1/2 t Salt

1/2 pt Water or the yolks of 4 eggs

With a little water. 1 lb Beefsteak

1/2 oz Salt (extra)

1/2 t Pepper

1/4 pt Water

1. Grease a basin, put a large pot of water onto the boil.

2. Make the pastry with the flour, suet, salt, and water (or eggs)

3. Roll it out and line the basin leaving a piece for the lid

4. Cut the steak into convenient pieces, flour and season them with pepper

and salt; put them in the pudding. 5. Pour in the 1/4 pint of water, and put on the pastry lid.

6. Tie over with a floured cloth, and boil as above.

Taken from. GOOD THINGS IN ENGLAND, A practicle cookery book for everyday use. Edited by Florence White. —–

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