
1 lb Pink beans

1 sm Can Ortega green chiles,

-chopped 1 ts Salt

1 lg Onion, chopped

3 Cloves garlic,

-minced/pressed 1/2 ts Chili powder

4 tb Salsa or to taste

Soak the beans overnight, changing water several times. Put beans in crock-pot and cover with an inch or so of water. Add salt, onion, garlic, and chili powder. Cook on low until beans are soft (about 18 hours? I forget). When beans are cooked, ladle off and reserve some of the liquid from the top. Mash the beans well. (I never do this as well as I’d like; I’ve tried a potato masher and an empty iced-tea jar.) Add reserved liquid as necessary for consistency. (I never have to add any, myself.) Stir in the chopped chiles and the salsa; heat through.

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