
1/2 c Green Lentils; dried

1/4 c Pinto Beans; dried

1/4 c Red Kidney Beans; dried

1/4 c Baby Lima Beans; dried

1 Onion; medium

4 Garlic Cloves

2 Jalapeno Peppers *

1 tb Oregano; dried

1 tb Chili Powder

1/4 c Coriander Leaves; chopped

6 oz Monterey Jack Cheese; grated

6 Flour Tortillas; 10″

1 Tomato; medium, chopped

1 Lettuce; shredded

1 Salsa

Servings: 4 Rinse lentils and beans, discarding any that look suspicious, and soak in clean water 4 – 6 hours, or overnight. Put into medium saucepan, bring to boil and simmer, covered, 30 minutes. Add water if necessary. Peel and chop onion. Microwave on “High” 2 – 2 1/2 minutes until soft. [If you prefer, you may saute the onion in about 2 T. oil. I omit the oil to keep the fat content down. The flavour does not seem to suffer.] Chop the Jalapena pepper. (*) Adjust the quantity to your own taste and / or tolerance. Peel and crush the garlic. Drain the lentil-bean mixture. Reserve 1/2 cup of liquor. In a food processor puree the lentil-bean mixture, the onion, the garlic, the jalapena peppers, the oregano, the chile powder, and the coriander leaves, adding some of the reserved liquor as necessary to process. [The final puree should be quite thick.] Pre-heat the oven to 325 F. Assemble as follows on an oven-proof plate, pizza-pan or cookie-sheet: Place a flour tortilla on the *lightly* greased surface. Cover with lentil-bean puree [4 – 5 T.]. Sprinkle with Monterey Jack cheese. Add another flour tortilla and repeat, saving enough cheese to cover the top of the final flour tortilla. Bake for 20 – 30 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to “firm-up” for 5 – 10 minutes before serving. Garnish with salsa, chopped tomato and shredded lettuce. Serve with rice, Couscous and / or corn. The amount of oregano, coriander leaves, chile powder, or jalapena peppers may be varied to suit individual tastes. I use more peppers! If you’re prone to “problems” with beans, add 1/4 – 1/2 t. Hing [Hing is a mixture of rice-flour, turmeric and asafoetida found in most East-Indian specialty stores. It can significantly reduce flatulence.

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