
1 lb Brussels sprouts

1 c Dried green lentils

3 c — water

1 c Onions — chopped

2 c Celery — chopped

1 c Carrots — sliced

4 c Rutabaga — chopped

4 Bay leaves

1 tb Fresh gingerroot — grated

2 tb Tamari, low-sodium

Preheat oven to 350 deg. Cut an “x” in the bottom of each Brussels sprout. Combine Brussels sprouts and remaining ingredients (except tamari) in a large baking dish. Bake, stirring occasionally, until lentils and vegetables are tender, about 1 hour.Add more water to stew while baking if necessary. Stir in tamari and serve warm. Variation: Serve oer brown rice or your favorite grain. Per serving: 199 cal; 11 g prot; 609 mg sod; 41 g carb; 1 g fat; 0 mg chol; 125 mg calcium Source: Vegetarian Gourmet, Winter 93/MM by DEEANNE

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