
8 Tomatoes; medium

1/2 c Bread crumbs;fresh, coarse

2 ts -Salt

2 ts Pepper

1 ts Tarragon; dried

4 ts Honey

4 ts Butter

Fat grams per serving: Approx. Cook Time: :35 Preheat oven to 350F. Slice off stem ends of tomatoes and carefully scrape out seeds. Place open side up in buttered baking dish. Mix bread crumbs, salt, pepper and tarragon. Drizzle honey over tomatoes, rubbing it down into cavities. Sprinkle tomatoes with crumb mixture and dot with butter. Bake uncovered for 30 minutes, till tomato skins begin to wrinkle. Place under broiler for another 5 minutes or till crumbs begin to brown. Serve hot or at room temperature.

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