
1 lg Onion, chopped

1 ea Garlic clove, crushed

Oil for frying 2 ea Green bell peppers, diced

3 ea Celery stalks, sliced

2 tb Flour

1 cn Tomatoes

1 cn Tomato paste

1 pn Basil

1 pn Rosemary

2 c Cooked beans of your choice

1/2 c Breadcrumbs

Water Saute onions & garlic lightly in oil. Add pepper & celery. Fry for several minutes til ltender. Stir in the flour & add tomatoes. Add tomato paste & herbs & beans. Mix in breadcrumbs. Add a little water if too dry. Spoon into oiled casserole & sprinkle breadcrumbs on top. Bake for 30 minutes at 350F. Serve with rice & salsa sauce. Toronto Vegetarian Association

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