
4 1/2 c All-purpose flour (or more)

3 tb Sugar

1 tb Salt

2 pk Active yeast

2 tb Margarine

1 tb Sugar

1 Egg white


Mix 1 1/2 cups flour, 3 Tbs sugar, 1 Tbs salt and yeast. Heat 1 1/2 cups water and margarine to 120F to 130F. Add to dry ingredients; beat for 2 minutes at

medium speed. Add 1/2 cup flour; beat at high speed for 2 minutes. Stir in more flour to make a stiff dough. On floured board, knead for 8 to 10 minutes. Set in greased bowl; turn to grease top. Cover; let rise in warm, draft-free place for 1 hour. Punch dough down. Cover; let rest for 15 minutes. In a large skillet heat 1-inch water over medium low heat to a simmer; add remaining sugar and salt. Divide dough into 12 pieces; shape 3 pieces into smooth balls. With floured finger, poke a 1-inch hole in each. Drop bagels into simmering water. Cook for 3 minutes. Turn and cook for 2 minutes. Turn again;

cook for 1 minute more. Drain on towels. Repeat shaping and cooking rest of dough. Place on greased baking sheet. Mix egg white and 1 Tbs water; brush on bagels. Sprinkle with coarse salt, sesame, caraway or poppy seed if desired. Bake at 375F for 20 to 25 minutes. Remove from sheets. Cool.

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