
———————————–SAUCE———————————– 3 Egg yolks

2 tb Sugar

2/3 c Sherry

2/3 c Whipping cream

1 ts Orange peel, grated

———————————–FRUIT———————————– 1 Cantaloupe

8 Figs, fresh -OR-

2 pt Strawberries

2 c Green grapes

1/2 c Almonds, sliced

Seed cantaloupe; cut into thin slices and peel. Cut figs into wedges or halve strawberries. Whisk yolks and sugar to blend in top of stainless steel double boiler. Gradually whisk in half of sherry. Set over simmering water and whisk until mixture holds shape for 3 seconds when drizzled from whisk, about 5 minutes. Remove from over water and refrigerate until cool, whisking occasionally. Beat cream until soft peaks form. Fold into sabayon with remaining sherry and orange peel. Can be prepared 6 hours ahead and chilled. To serve, arrange cantaloupe slices around center of plates. Combine figs or strawberries and grapes and mound in center. Spoon sauce over and sprinkle with toasted almonds. from _Bon Appetit_, October 1987. MM by Sylvia Steiger, GEnie THE.STEIGERS, CI$ 71511,2253, GT Cookbook echo moderator at net/node 004/005

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