
1 pie crust shell — baked 5 (9-inch)

minutes 14 asparagus spears — cooked and

drained 3 eggs

1/2 Teaspoon salt

1 Cup half & half

1/4 Pound bacon — fried and crumbled

1 Cup shredded Swiss cheese

Chop 6 spears of cooked asparagus. In a small bowl, combine eggs, salt, half & half and chopped asparagus. Sprinkle bacon and shredded cheese into bottom of p artially cooked pie crust shell; pour egg mixture over bacon and cheese. Arrang e remaining whole asparagus spears into spoke fashion on top of egg mixture. Ba ke at 375 degrees for 35 minutes or until knife comes out clean and top is gold en brown. Recipe from “One Million Recipes CD”

busted by Judy R.

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