
5 lasagne noodles — (2″ wide)

2 Cloves garlic — minced

1/2 Tsp. thyme — crushed

2 Tbsp. butter or margarine

2 Tbsp. flour

1 1/3 C. milk

1 C. shredded mozzarella cheese

1 C. julienne ham

1 can (15 oz.) asparagus spears — drained

Cook noodles as directed on package; drain and cut in half crosswise. In saucepan, cook garlic and thyme in butter. Blend in flour; cook, stirring constantly. Stir in milk; cook, stirring constantly until thickened. Season sauce with salt and pepper. In buttered, 2 quart microwaveable dish, layer 1/3 of noodles, sauce, cheese, ham and asparagus. Repeat layers twice. In microwave, cover and cook on high 10 minutes, turning twice.

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