
1 Egg, separated

1/2 c Skim Milk

1 pk Gelatin (envelope)

1/8 ts Salt

1 tb Equal (no substitute)

1 1/2 c Cottage Cheese

1 tb Lemon Juice

1 ts Vanilla

6 tb Lite Coolwhip

Take cottage cheese and cream in blender until very SMOOTH <this is the hard part>. Set aside. Put egg yolk in top of double boiler beat well and add milk. Add gelatin & salt. Cook over boiling water until gelatin dissolves and mixture thickens. (about 10 minutes) Remove from heat, add sugar substitute. Cool. Add cottage cheese, lemon juice and vanilla to cooled mixture. Chill, stirring occasionally, until mixture mounds when dropped from a spoon. Beat egg white until stiff. Fold egg white and cool-whip together into mixture. Pour into graham crust. Or pour into pie plate and top with crumb topping. Crumb Topping: crush 2 graham crackers fine. Mix with pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. —–

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