
16 tb Butter or margarine

2 pk Cream cheese

2 c Flour; sifted

Apricot filling Apricot filling: 8 oz Dried apricots

2 c Cold water

1/2 c Sugar

1 ts Lemon juice

1 ds Cinnamon

1 tb Butter

APRICOT FILLING: Cook apricots in water until almost tender, stirring occasionally. Add sugar and lemon juice. add the dash of cinnamon, continue cooking until thickened and tender. Remove from heat and add butter. cool. If you prefer a sweeter filling, you may add more sugar. COOKIE; Cream cheese and margarine together, add flour slowly until a smooth dough is formed. Use a wooden spoon to cream and not a mixer. Chill dough 10-15 minutes. Roll out on a floured board to a thin layer, cut in circles and place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Use a small amount of apricots on half the circles to within 1/4″ of the edge. Fold circles over and press edges together with a fork. Bake at 350F for 15-20 minutes. It will be a very pale golden brown. When cool, ice with powdered sugar icing. These are delightful with hot tea. Margaret Garland DFYX18A Source: Prize Winning Recipes from the State Fair of Texas, 1976. —–

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