
————————–CGVH43B BETTE LELAND————————–

———————————–DOUGH———————————– 3 c Flour (to 4 c)

2 tb Sugar

1 pk Rapid- rise yeast

1 Egg

1 c Milk

1/2 c Softened butter

1 ts Salt

———————————-FILLING———————————- 1 c Golden Delicious apple,

– pared, cored and chopped 1/2 c Nuts, finely chopped

– (I use pecans) 1/3 c Sugar

1/3 c Brown sugar

1/4 ts Cinnamon

Combine 1 c. flour, sugar, yeast and salt. Heat milk and 2 tbl. butter to 120 degrees; add egg and blend. Add milk mixture to flour mixture and beat

until smooth. Add only enough remaining flour t make a soft dough; knead until satiny. Cover, let rest 20 min. Divide dough into 32 parts; flatten each piece in palm and fill with 1/2 ts filling. Pinch edges together; roll to form a ball. Melt remaining butter; dip balls in butter. Arrange 16 filled balls in a well-greased tube pan so they just touch in a single layer. Sprinkle with half of the remaining apple filling. Add remaining balls; sprinkle with remaining filling on top. Pour any remaining butter over top. Cover; let rise for 20-30 min. Bake 375 for 35-40 min. Cool 10 min. Invert onto serving plate. Makes 10 servings Filling: Mix all ingredients together. Bette…NM 10/93 —–

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