
3 1/2 c Apples, tart; thinly sliced

3/4 c Sugar

2 tb Flour, all-purpose

1/2 ts Salt

3 1/2 oz Coconut, flaked

1 ts Vanilla extract

2 tb Margarine

1 c Margarine; softened

6 oz Cream cheese; softened

2 c Flour, all-purpose

ds Salt Line a 10″ piepan with half the pastry rolled 1/8″ thick. Arrange apples in unbakes pie shell. Combine sugar, flour, and salt; sprinkle over apples, mixing well. Cover with coconut, sprinkle vanilla over top, and dot with margarine. Roll out remaining pastry, and place over filling; seal and flute edges. Cut slits in top to allow steam to escape. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes; reduce heat to 300 degrees and bake an additional 35 to 40 minutes. Cream Cheese Pastry: Combine margarine and cream cheese; mix well. Cut in flour and salt iwht pastry blender. Shape dough into a ball; SOURCE: Southern Living Magazine, March 1974.

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