
—————————-LORELI AGUDA WSKD49A—————————- 3 c Apple cider

2 Envelopes unflavored gelatin

1/4 c Sugar

6 oz Frozen lemonade concentrate

2 lg Apples, skinned and diced

1/4 c Chopped celery

1/4 c Slivered almonds

Whipped cream for topping Mix 1 cup cider with gelatin in small pan. Let stand for few minutes. Add sugar and cook; stir until dissolved, remove from heat. Core and dice apples and mix with thawed lemonade concentrate to prevent any darkening. Lift out apples with slotted spoon and reserve. Stir lemonade and remaining cider into gelatin mixture. Regrigerate until thick and syrupy, then add apples and celery. Place almonds or other chopped nuts in bottom of 6 cup mold. Spoon gelatin over nuts, cover and chill firm. Dip mold to the rim in hot water for 5 seconds to invert onto serving plate. Surround with lettuce leaves and serve with whipped cream. Sour cream goes good with this too.

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