
225 g Sweet almonds, blanched

— (8 oz) 3 Hard-boiled egg yolks

1 l Chicken stock (2 pints)

50 g “Beurre manie”, made with

–25 g butter and 25 g flour — (2 oz) 1 1/2 dl Cream (1/3 pint)

Salt White pepper F.&R.Dahl: “This delicate soup, popular 100 years ago, is now unusual. On no account should it be liquidized at any stage, as that ruins the texture” Mince the almonds and, using a pestle and mortar, reduce to a paste with the egg yolks and a little stock, to stop them oiling. Bring the stock up to simmering point in a saucepan and whisk in the beurre manie. When that has dissolved, whisk in the almond paste. Cook gently for 30 minutes. Strain through a sieve, add the cream, season with salt and pepper, heat gently and serve. From: Felicity & Roald Dahl, Memories with food at Gipsy House, Penguin, 1991, ISBN 0-670-83462-9


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