
2 c Flour

2 ts Baking powder

1 d Salt

12 oz Ale

1 Scallion — handful, chopped

1 Cheese — handful, grated

Stir flour, salt, and baking powder together. Add beer. Stir in green onions and cheese, if desired. Knead dough briefly, adding more flour if sticky. Shape into a round loaf and place in a greased pie pan or on a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 F. for 30 minutes, until golden brown or until loaf sounds hollow when tapped. George Stojcevic (Lord Pyotr, Barony of Bryn Gwlad) Submitted By SAM WARING <curmudgn@flash.net> On WED, 01 NOV 1995 111954 GMT

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