
1/2 lb Pork, ground

1/2 lb Beef, ground

1 Egg

1/2 c Rice, brown — uncooked

1 Onion, diced fine

1/2 ts Thyme

8 c — Water

1 Tomato — chopped

1 Garlic clove — diced

1/2 c Chile huerta

2 Yerba buena, sprig

1 sl French bread — thick

1/2 ts Cumin

2 Carrot — sliced thin

1 c Peas, fresh or frozen

Mix pork, beef, egg, rice, 1/2 of onion, and tomio together; make into small balls. Bring water to boil and add balls; simmer at low boil for 1 hour. Add tomato, garlic, chili, and rest of chopped onion; let simmer 35 minutes. Add yerba buena and simmer 10 minutes. Soak French bread in small amount of soup broth until very soft. Place in blender with comino; chop together; add to soup. Next add carrots and peas; simmer until vegetables are tender. Serve.

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