
1 C Boiling Water

1 3 Oz. Pkg. Lemon Gelatin Powder

1 Pt Vanilla Ice Cream

1 C Strawberries* — sliced

1 Baked Graham Cracker Pie Shell

*May fresh or frozen strawberries, or may substitute other fruit of choice such as blackberries, peaches, etc.

Heat one cup of water to boiling in a two-quart pan; remove from heat; add one package of lemon gelatin. Stir in one pint of vanilla ice cream; stir until melted. Chill this mixture until it thickens (about 30 minutes). Fold in strawberries. Turn into a cooled graham cracker pie shell. Pie will be ready in half an hour. Must keep refrigerated.

Source: “Mountain Measures” –Junior League of Charleston, WV ed. 1974

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