
1 1/2 c Primary Sourdough Batter B* 1 3/4 c

Flour 1 t — salt 3 tb Sugar

3 tb Salad oil 2 Eggs

2 tb Sugar in 4 qts boiling water

*Prepare Primary Sourdough Batter B according to recipe. Be sure that you have saved 1 cup starter separately. Let all ingreds come to room temp. Sift 1 1/2 c flour, salt, & sugar into warm bowl. Stir in

salad oil & eggs. Stir in Primary Batter B & add enough additional flour for dough to leave sides of bowl. Turn dough onto well floured board & knead in enough additional flour to make dough smooth & elastic (abt 1/4 c). Place in warm greased bowl, cover & set bowl in warm 85F spot until doubled in bulk. This will take abt. 2 hrs. When doubled, punch down & let proof for an additional 1 1/2 hrs or until doubled in bulk. Turn dough out onto floured board & divide it into 12-14 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a 6-” roll

abt 3/4 ” thick. Pinch the 2 ends together to form a doughnut shape. Boil 4 qts water & add 2 tb sugar. Drop each bagel into boiling water 1 at a time. Boil only 4 at a time. Cook until they rise to the top & then turn over & cook for 2 mins longer. [DG NOTE- don’t cook longer than 3 mins or they get tough.] Remove w/slotted spoon & place on greased cookie sheet. When all have been boiled, put in preheated 375F oven & bake for 20-25 mins until crusty & golden

brown. Makes 12-14 bagels.

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