
1 10″ round sour dough bread:

Butter 1 c Mayonnaise

1 c Parmesan cheese

1 tb Dried basil

1 ts Dried oregano

1 tb Minced onion

1 tb Parsley; minced

3 ts Cajun seasoning

3 tb Garlic; minced + –

Here’s Carole Rock’s Killer Bread from Poppa Rock’s Family Cookbook – Also. Slice loaf in half horizontally. Butter cut sides of both halves3 and toast under broiler until lightly browned. Mix the remaining ingredients and spread over both halves, using the entire mixture. Bake at 400 deg. for 15 to 20 minutes, until top is brown and puffed. Cut into wedges and serve hot. CAROLE’S NOTE: If fresh basil & oregano are available it will really make a powerful difference, but use triple the amount of each when using fresh herbs. Margaret…this is one of the most popular goodies we’ve had on the board. Carole’s 2 Poppa Rock Cookbooks are full of superb goodies. FROM: SALLIE KRATZ (NXMB21A)

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