
S Rogers 1 pound Chocolate*

2 cups Heavy whipping cream

1 cup Half and half

10 Egg yolks — lightly beaten

Graham Cracker Crust

1-1 1/2 cs whipped cream 2-4 T slivered chocolate * dark bittersweet Belgian chocolate or semisweet chocolate ~~Place chocolate, whipping cream and half and half in double boiler.Cook over medium heat until chocolate is melted and mixture is hot,stirring occasionally.Remove from heat and beat in egg yolks,1 at a time,stirring constantly and being careful not to curdle,until mixture is shiny and thickened.Cool slightly. ~~Pour mixture into prepared Graham Cracker Creust.Cool,then refrigerate overnight.Dollop with whipped crean and sprinkle with slivered chocolate.Makes 12 servings. ~~S Suggestion:Enjoy with an ice cold glass of whole milk.Indulge yourself.A good cup of coffee is good with this too. This is a very rich pie. Enjoy! Totally yours, S

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