
2 c Unsifted Flour (about)

1/4 c Sugar

1 pk Active Dry Yeast

1/2 c Milk

1/4 c Margarine

3 md Eggs (room temperature)

Rum syrup Sweetened Whipped Cream Sliced Almonds —–RUM SYRUP—– 1 c Sugar

1/2 c Rum

1/2 c Water

Combine 2/3 cup flour, sugar and yeast. Heat milk and margarine until very warm (120 – 130 F). Add to dry ingredients and beat 2 minutes. Stir in more flour to make a stiff batter. Cover; Let rise until doubled – about 1 hour. Stir down. Spoon evenly into 12 greased 3×1 1/2 inch muffin pans. Let rise, just until batter reaches top of cups, about 25 minutes. Bake at 375F about 15 minutes or until done. Before removing from pans, immediately prick cakes with fork. Slowly spoon syrup over cakes. Turn out onto wire rack after syrup is absorbed. Serve topped with whipped cream and almonds. Rum Syrup: Bring 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup rum and 1/2 cup water to a full boil, stirring. Remove from heat; let cool.

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