
—–VULCAN CUSTARD FRUIT PIE—– -Jo Ferry cmsj69b 2 Piecrusts — for 9″ pie pans

Fruit** —–CUSTARD FILLING—– 1 cup Whipping cream

4 Eggs — large

1 cup Sugar

1/2 cup Milk

Cinnamon — to sprinkle on top

Note:Perach Kisan is similar to Prusah Kisan but differs in fruit and the arrangement.**Fruit: 4 pounds of fresh Italian freestone prune plums, or 4 pounds of fresh apicots, or 4 (30 oz) cans unpeeled apricot halves.This makes two pies. Preheat the oven to 350. Put the piecrusts in the pie pans and finish the edges.Set aside. Wash and pit the fresh fruit, cutting each plum or apricot nearly in half from the stem to blossom end.Starting at the edge of the pastry-lined pan, arrange them standing up as close to each other as possible, with the hollow, or pit side facing the center. When the pan is filled, it should look somewhat like the petals of a blossom, with a single plum or apricot half in the center, open side up.Put all the ingredients for the custard filling, except the cinnamon, in a small bowl, and beat with a whisk until it is thoroughly mixed. Pour half the custard mixture over each pie and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake for about 1 hour, or until the crust is lightly browned and the custard is golden brown.If you use the canned apricots, the procedure is much the same. Drain the apricot halves and make sure there are no pits in them. (Save the juice to use in a gelatin dessert or to sweeten a fruit drink.) Arrange the halves as described above and follow the remaining directions.

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