
1 (9 inch) unbaked pastry shell

6 c. sliced apples — to 7 cups

1/2 c. sugar — (for filling)

2 tbsp. flour — (for filling)

1/2 tsp. nutmeg

2 tbsp. lemon juice

1/2 c. sugar — (for topping)

1/2 c. flour — (for topping)

1/2 c. butter or margarine — 1 stick

Make an unbaked 9 inch pastry shell. Pare, quarter, and core apples, then halve each quarter crosswise to make chunks (about 7 cups). Place in large bowl. Make filling by combining 1/2 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons flour, and nutmeg in a cup. Sprinkle over apples and toss to coat well. Spoon into pastry shell, then drizzle with lemon juice. Combine 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup flour for topping in small bowl. Cut in butter or margarine; sprinkle over apples to cover top. Slide pie into a heavy brown paper bag large enough to cover pie loosely. Fold open end over twice and fasten with paper clips. Place on large cookie sheet for easy handling. Bake in 425 degree electric oven 1 hour (apples will be tender and top bubbly and golden). Split bag open; remove pie and cool on wire pie. Be careful

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