
3 ea Cup Rolled Oats 2 ea Tbsp Light Sesame Oil

1 ea Cup Flour (unbleached) 1 1/2 ea Cup Apple Juice

1/4 ea 4 tsp Salt 1 ea Tbsp Honey (opt)

Raisins and/or nuts (optional) Sugarless! Preheat the oven to 375 deg F. Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add the oil and mix. Add the juice (plus remaining ingredients, if desired.) If the dough seems too dry, add more juice. Drop by the teaspoonful onto a greased cookie sheet and flatten slightly to ensure a crisper cookie. Bake until golden brown, about 15-20 minutes.

VARIATIONS: * Make the cookies w/o wheat flour for those allergic. Use oat flour and add 1 T arrowroot flour or powder. * Use pineapple juice instead of apple for sweeter cookies. * To use leftover oatmeal, use 1 cup juice and 2 T honey or other sweetener. —–

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