
1 ea Muffie tip and hints

Who eats muffin bottoms? Just about everyone prefers the tops. Which is why I invented “muffies”. They’re baked on a baking sheet instead of a muffin tin and have no bottom. The muffie has a lot going for it: Two cups of muffin batter, which customarily makes 4-6 muffins, is enough for 16 muffins. And they take much less time to bake, usually less than 10 minutes. I prefer them just lightly browned so they stay a little moist and soft inside. Almost any thick muffin batter will work, but space the muffies at least two inches part because they spread a good deal, especially if the batter is not chilled. They way to get a puffier muffie is to refrigerate the batt until it is very chilled. Bake the batter right after it is mixed and all you’ll get is a flat, soft cookie. Muffies should be enjoyed warm, right from the oven. To reheat, wrap them in foil and warm gently in a conventional oven. To store, arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze them. Once frozen, place them in an airtight plastic bag, then in another airtight plastic bag to stave off freezer odor. Defrost as needed. The following muffies will get you started. The first two are deliberately low in cholesterol. The Blueberry-Apple Muffie is not low, but not excessive, either.

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