
1/2 c Alphabet spaghetti

2 md Onions, coarsely chopped

5 ea Garlic cloves, chopped

2 tb Olive oil

1 sm Carrot, diced

2 ts Ginger, grated

2 c Tomatoes, diced

6 c Stock

1/2 ea Cabbage, thinly sliced

15 ea Fresh mint leaves, sliced

Salt & pepper Cayenne Cook pasta until al dente. Drain & set aside. Lightly saute onion & garlic in olive oil until softened. Stir in ginger & carrot & cook for a few monents. Add tomatoes, stock & cabbage. Cook over medium heat until the vegetables are tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Adjust seasonings if necessary. Ladle soup over several spoonfuls of cooked pasta. Season with fresh mint & serve immediately.

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