
***** NONE *****

6 ea carrot — grated

2 2/3 c sugar

1 lb raisins

2 2/3 c water

2 TB butter

2 ts cinnamon

2 ts cloves, ground

2 ts allspice

2 ts salt

4 c flour

4 ts baking soda

1 lb pecans — (or walnuts)

1 lb candied fruit

Combine carrots, sugar, water, raisins, salt and spices in a large pan and boil 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and cool. Stir in the flour, soda then the candied fruit and nuts. Pour batter into well greased and floured loaf pans or one large bundt pan. Bake in 325 to 350 degree oven for one hour.

If you wish to season this with spirits use about 1/2 cup of rum or brandy and after the cake has cooled thorougly, pour the alcohol gently over the cake. It may be best to do this just a little at a time over the period of 30 min. or so. Wrap tightly in foil and store in a cool place for as long a 3 months. After I give this cake as a gift, I recommendthat, after opening, it be stored in the refrigerator. Recipe By : Maureen Hustead / Formatted by Cheryl Gimenez From: Cheryl Gimenez <clgimenez@earthlidate: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 22:49:52 +0000

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