
1 tb Lemon juice

3/4 c Butter

1 ts Coriander; ground

1/3 c Sifted powdered sugar

2 c Flour

1/4 ts Lemon peel; grated fine

1/3 c Powdered sugar

Recipe by: Theresa Grant — Hwwk11b DESCRIPTION: The lemony flavor of coriander enhances the fresh lemon taste of these tender cookies. In a large mixer bowl, beat butter til softened. Add 1/3 cup sifted powdered sugar and beat until fluffy. Add lemon peel, lemon juice and coriander; beat well. Add flour; beat until well mixed. PREHEAT OVEN TO 325~. Shape into 1 1/2″ long by 1/2″ wide logs. Curve each log into a

crescent shape, tapering the ends. Place on ungreased sheets and bake 18-20 minutes or until done. Remove and cool. In a plastic bag, gently shake a few cookies at a time in 1/3 Cup powdered sugar. STORAGE: 1 week airtight, three months freezer. From BH&G “Cookies for Christmas.” —–

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