
1 c Brown sugar

1/2 c Butter

(or butter substitute 1/4 ts Baking soda

1 ts Vanilla

1 ts Nutmeg

Flour 1 Egg; well beaten

1/2 c Sour milk

1 ts Baking powder

1/3 ts Salt

1/2 ts Cinnamon

Grape jelly Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and flavoring. Beat thoroughly. Sift flour. Measure 1 cup and sift with baking powder, baking soda, salt, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Add alternately with milk to first mixture. Beat thoroughly. Add sufficient sifted flour to make a soft roll dough. Chill. Turn onto lightly floured board. Roll in sheet 1/2 inch thick. Cut with floured cutter. Spread half of the cookies with grape or other jelly. Make 3 small openings with a thimble in each of the remaining cookies. Fit over

those spread with jelly. Place on slightly oiled baking sheet. Bake in hot oven (425 F) 10-12 minutes. 24 servings. —–

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