
6 oz Rich shortcrust pastry

2 Eggs

1 lb Curd cheese

6 tb Thick honey

2 Lemons

4 oz Sultanas

Preheat the oven to 400F. Roll out dough and use to line 8 1/2 inch loose-bottomed flan tin, reserving any trimmings. Pick bottom. Bake blind for 10 min, then remove form oven and reduce temperature to 350F. Separate the eggs. Put the yolks into a bowl with the cheese, honey and the grated rind of one of the lemons. Squeeze juice from both lemons and add to the bowl with the sultanas. Mix well. In another bowl, whisk the egg whites to soft peaks and fold into the cheese mixture with a metal spoon. pour into flan case and smooth the surface. Roll out dough trimmings and cut into thin strips with a pastry wheel. Arrange in a lattice pattern over the filling. Bake for 50-55 minutes till set. Cool in tin, then turn out and serve cold By Lynn Rausch <lrausc19@starnetinc.com> on Jul 31, 1996 —–

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