
2 1/2 c Unbleached flour

1/2 c Sugar

2 t Baking powder

1 t Salt

1/2 t Cinnamon — ground

3/4 c Milk

1/4 c Vegetable oil

2 Eggs — lg

1 1/2 c Apples — cooking, *

2 c Cheddar — sharp, shredded

3/4 c Walnuts or pecans — chopped

* Apples should be the cooking type (sour not sweet eating apples). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. and grease and flour a 9 X 5-inch loaf pan. In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking

powder, salt and cinnamon. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and add the milk, oil, and eggs. Stir until thoroughly combined. Gently stir in the chopped apples, cheddar cheese, and nuts. Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes in the preheated oven until loaf is browned and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom. Cool in the pan on a rack for 5 minutes. Remove from the pan and cool to room temperature, on a wire rack, before slicing.

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