
1/2 c Cornstarch

Sugar 175 g Butter

1/2 c Icing [confectioner’s]

1 c Rice flour

1. Sift cornstarch, sugar and rice flour together.

2. Add butter. Mix with hands until soft dough forms. Refrigerate one

hour. 3. Shape dough into 2 1/2 cm balls. Place about 3 cm apart on greased

cookie sheet; flatten with lightly floured fork. Bake at 150 xC for 20-25

minutes or until edges are lightly browned. .SH “Variations” 1. Form balls as above. Roll in finely crushed corn flakes or crushed

nuts. Press top of ball with thumb. Add a dab of jelly. 2. Mix in 2 Tbls. finely chopped peel and/or 2 Tbls. finely chopped

nuts. Flatten with lightly floured fork. Difficulty : easy. Precision measure ingredients. Recipe By : Eileen Kupstas kupstas@cs.unc.edu —–

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