
2 lb Gianduja; chopped

1 tb Vegetable oil

1/2 lb Dark chocolate

= (bittersweet) 1/4 c Cocoa

1/2 c Crushed praline

1 1/4 c Crushed pirouette cookies

2 c Cream

Melt gianduja. Combine crushed praline with oil and blend with melted gianduja and crushed pirouette cookies. Pour into a stainless steel or glass mold. Dust generously with dark cocoa. Set aside. Melt bittersweet chocolate and let cool while still remains a liquid. Whip cream stiff and fold into melted bittersweet forming a light mousse. Spread mousse onto gianduja base. Smooth top neatly and chill. To serve, dust lightly with cocoa and slice into 1/2-1 inch pieces. Arrange 2 to 3 pieces on a plate in a geometric fashion and serve with burnt hazelnut ice cream. Yield 1 large bande (3 1/2 inches by 22 inches). CHEF DU JOUR ROXSAND SCOCOS SHOW #DJ9249 —–

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