
3 c Flour

1 pk Instant dry yeast

1 tb Sugar

1 ts Salt

1/2 c Milk

1/2 c Water

2 tb Shortening

1 Egg

1/4 c Butter; melted

1 ts Paprika

1/2 ts Garlic powder

1 tb Sesame seed

In lg. mixer bowl, combine 1 1/2 c. flour, yeast, sugar and salt; mix well. In saucepan heat milk, water and shortening until warm (shortening does not need to melt); add to flour mixture. Add egg. Blend at low speed until moistened; beat 3 minutes at med. speed. By hand, gradually stir in remaining flour to make a soft dough. Knead on floured surface 25-30 strokes. Divide dough into 12 parts; shape into balls. Combine melted butter, paprika and garlic powder; mix well. Dip balls into butter mixture; place in greased 9×5″ loaf pan, using 6 balls on each layer. Sprinkle with seame seed. Cover; let rise in warm place until light and doubled, about 45 minutes. Bake at 375 for 40-45 minutes, until golden brown. Remove from pan; serve warm. This is a one-rise, garlic bread in a pull-apart bubble loaf. Makes 1 loaf. From *Prodigy’s Food and Wine Bulletin Board. —–

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