
1/3 c Margarine

1/3 c Sugar — brown packed

1 c Flour

1/2 c Walnuts — chopped

1 pk Cream cheese — 8 oz, softene

1/4 c Sugar — granulated

1 Egg

3/4 c Smarties or m&ms

Fat grams per serving: Approx. Cook Time: :30 Preheat oven to 250F. Beat margarine and brown sugar till light and fluffy. Add flour and walnuts; mix well. Reserve 1/2 cup crumb mixture; press remaining crumb mixture into bottom of 8″ sqaure pan. Bake at 350F for 10 minutes. Combine cream cheese (nuke for

15 seconds), garnulated sugar and vanilla; mixing at

medium speed and electric mixer till well blended. Add egg; mix well. Layer 1/2 cup Smarties or M&Ms over crust; top with cream cheese mixture. Combine remaining candy, chopped and reserve crumb mixture; mix well. Sprinkle crumb mixture over cream cheese mixture. Bake at 350F, 20 minutes. Cool. Source: Sandy Kuley

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