
1 c White corn syrup

1 c Dark brown sugar; pack

1/3 ts Salt

1/3 c Butter; melt

1 ts Vanilla

3 Eggs; slightly beaten

1 Heaping cup whole pecans

Unbaked 9″ pie crust “Nearly 15 years ago, I was honored at a dinner party at the Phoenix Hotel in Lexington, Kentucky. Pecan pie was served for dessert. But what pecan pie! Never had I tasted anything so delicious. After dinner, I went to the kitchen to congratulate the pastry chef. He was so pleased, he gave me the recipe. I tried it at home. Mine was every bit as good as his. And it was so easy to make, that I wrote and asked permission to share the recipe with my readers. He cooperated, and I published it. Notes came by the thousands saying, “That was the best pecan pie my family has ever tasted.” So here it is: from a Dear Abby column Combine syrup, sugar, salt, butter and vanilla and mix well. Add slightly beated eggs. Pour into unbaked pe shell. Sprinkle pecans over all. Bake in preheated 350` oven for approximately 45 minutes. When cool, you may top with whipped cream or ice cream. but nothing tops this! —–

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