
-JUDI M. PHELPS 3 Or 4 c ground poppy seeds

1 c Honey

1 c Evaporated milk

2 Or 3 eggs

1 c Butter

—–BASIC SWEET DOUGH—– 2 pk Instant dry yeast

1/4 c — lukewarm water; to

dissolve -yeast 1 c Scalded milk — cooled to

-lukewarm 2 Eggs — beaten

1 t Salt

1/2 c Sugar

1/4 c Margarine

4 Or 5 c flour

NOTE: This recipe does not give instructions for mixing dough. Mix as you would any cake that uses yeast and then follow instructions below. Dough: Knead into a smooth elastic dough, let rise until double in size, about 1 hour. Roll dough very thin, about 3 feet long and 1 1/2 feet wide on floured plastic sheet. Spread poppy seed filling on rolled dough and roll like as for jelly roll. Place in greased long narrow loaf pans. Let rise for 1/2 hour. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 to 60 minutes. ~-POPPY SEED FILLING:– Boil Filling Ingredients for 10 minutes or until thick enough to spread. Cool and

spread on thin rolled dough. Source: Cookbook USA Shared and MM by Judi M. Phelps. jphelps@shell.portal.com or jphelps@best.com

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